Williamsburg's Local Florist
Pet Sympathy Basket
We know how much pets mean to their families! After searching high and low, one of our resident animal lovers has found the perfect addition to a vibrant, happy basket filled with colorful blooms to honor and remember the joy that a beloved companion...
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Forever Beloved
Forever beloved. Forever in your heart. Forever close to you. That is what this beautiful rose arrangement symbolizes. A shared life. Or a shared sacred moment. All will be dignified beautifully with this loving gift of roses in a classic urn.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Botanical Beauty Bouquet
Snow white blooms and eye-catching greens create this beautiful botanical gift that's a peaceful addition to any occasion.
Designer's Choice - Bright & Cheerful
Our talented designers will use premium flowers in a vibrant color palette to create a beautiful vase arrangement! To see examples of our work, check out our Instagram pictures at the bottom of our homepage, or find us on Instagram or Facebook...
Designer's Choice - White & Green
Our talented designers will use premium flowers in a white and green color palette to create a beautiful vase arrangement! To see examples of our work, check out our Instagram pictures at the bottom of our homepage, or find us on Instagram or Facebook...
Williamsburg's Local Florist
7"- 14" Garden Ceramics
Long-lasting ceramic garden dishes that make a big statement! Each ceramic dish is unique & plants may vary.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Beautiful in Blue
In this arrangement, the serenity of the color blue along with the purity of intention symbolized by white flowers makes these the most classic flowers for almost any occasion.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Forever Our Angel Bouquet
This peaceful porcelain angel sculpture, surrounded by radiant red roses and delicate greenery, is a touching tribute to a rich life.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Truly Beloved
Reach out to the family at home with this lovely array of classic blooms artistically arranged in a beautifully woven basket. They'll be deeply touched.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Heavenly Light
White alstroemeria, snapdragons and stock in a beautiful basket is a gift of caring that brings an air of serenity to the memorial service. Later, it will be a comfort for the family at home.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Pink Grace Bouquet
Celebrate a fabulous woman in your life with a beautiful mixed bouquet featuring pink roses and arranged in a perky pink cube. She'll be thrilled with this charmingly feminine gift - and touched by your thoughtfulness because it is also a gift for others!
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Your Light Shines
These soft, elegant flowers convey a timeless message of beauty, affection, sympathy, or every day pick me up.