Williamsburg's Local Florist
Eternal Rest Heart Wreath
Express your grief with this resplendent heart-shaped wreath. Pink and purple hues of roses, gerbera daisies, carnations and more are combined in this delicate display.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Fashionista Blooms
This arrangement is perfect for any girl with an eye for style.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Floral Cross
White carnations and red roses are designed into this religious floral display.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Forever at Peace Spray
A peaceful display of affection and sympathy, this monochromatic spray of gorgeous fresh greens and pure white roses is a vision of tranquility.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Forever Beloved
Forever beloved. Forever in your heart. Forever close to you. That is what this beautiful rose arrangement symbolizes. A shared life. Or a shared sacred moment. All will be dignified beautifully with...
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Forever Heart
Sunflowers, roses, and carnations are used to create a brilliant expression of love and support.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Forever in our Hearts Cremation Tribute
Elegant red roses and delicate greenery are a breathtaking way to display and honor the cremation urn. Williamsburg, Virginia delivery
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Forever Our Angel Bouquet
This peaceful porcelain angel sculpture, surrounded by radiant red roses and delicate greenery, is a touching tribute to a rich life.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Fragrant Lilies & Roses
Fragrant Lilies and Roses are a stunning combination!
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Garden Cross
A spiritual tribute for the religious service, this lovely cross made of green hydrangea, green dianthus and other favorites symbolizes the hope for eternal life.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Garden Jewel
Garden Jewel has the "wow factor"! It is a beautiful mix of premium flowers arranged in a tall vase.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Garden of Grandeur Casket Spray
A traditional tribute that communicates deep love and eternal commitment. This dramatic red and white casket spray is ideal for a full couch or closed casket, mixing dozens of deep red roses with the...