Williamsburg's Local Florist
Holiday Homecoming Basket
A brilliant red poinsettia and assorted blooming plants and green plants, european-garden style, are nestled together for a holiday planter. These are made in-house! Baskets and vows vary, but will always be festive.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Classic Boxwood Tree
English boxwood, colorful ornaments, pinecones and yards of beautiful ribbon make this tree a classic! This boxwood tree is almost 2 ft. tall and is the perfect long-lasting gift. Please note that the decorations for each tree may vary (each one is...
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Jolly Candy Cane Bouquet
This festive bouquet features red roses, red carnations, white carnations, white button spray chrysanthemums, variegated holly, noble fir, and white pine. Delivered in a Round Ringware Dish.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Luminous Lilies Centerpiece
Gorgeous pure white asiatic lilies, radiant red roses, spray roses and pretty winter greens are arranged around an elegant white pillar candle. It's regal and radiant.