Williamsburg's Local Florist
Christmas Designer's Choice - $125
A merry arrangement of the holiday seasons freshest flowers. Our designers will create a fresh Christmas-themed bouquet for your order.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Joyful Cardinal Cube
Deck the halls with timeless holiday style! This joyful bouquet of roses is presented in a vintage-inspired cube vase with charming winter cardinal artwork. The cube makes a lovely candleholder in years to...
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Medium Red Poinsettia (5" pot)
A lovely, dressed red poinsettia is delivered in a natural basket that is festively accented with a classic Christmas ribbon bow.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Christmas Designer's Choice - $200
A merry arrangement of the holiday seasons freshest flowers. Our designers will create a fresh Christmas-themed bouquet for your order.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Christmas Designer's Choice - $300
A merry arrangement of the holiday seasons freshest flowers. Our designers will create a fresh Christmas-themed bouquet for your order.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Christmas Wishes Centerpiece
Stunning red and white roses, white spray roses and chrysanthemums plus all of your holiday favorites like pinecones, berries, holly, Christmas greenery and two tall-tapered candles. A brilliant way to send your Christmas wishes in style.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Winter Blooms Centerpiece
This artisanal mix of roses and berries is stylishly presented in a tapered crimson cube and will bring joy to every table!
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Tartan Cube
Red roses, carnations, and mini carnations, and white alstroemerias are accented with holly, boxwood, and assorted greens. Delivered in a red glass cube adorned with tartan ribbon.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Holiday Glow Centerpiece
Beautiful red roses, spray roses and carnations, white asiatic lilies, festive Christmas greenery and ornaments plus an elegant hurricane candle make this divine Christmas décor.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
All Is Bright
Miniature carnations are artfully on display with merry touches like shimmery ornaments, pinecones, berries, organza ribbon and holiday greens. Three graceful red taper candles add the perfect magical touch.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Candlelit Christmas
Ruby red gerbers, roses and spray roses are perfectly arranged with berries, pinecones and holiday greenery. Two pillar candles in a stunning shade of holiday red are the perfect touch to light up the night. This centerpiece measuring approximately...
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Large Red Poinsettia (7" pot)
A large red poinsettia is delivered in a natural basket that is festively accented with a classic plaid bow.