Williamsburg's Local Florist
*Available for Pre-Sale for 2/14 Delivery* Blooming Love Planter Basket
This lovely basket filled with green plants and a kalanchoe will not only warm a room, it will warm up that special someone's heart, too. Bows are seasonal and may vary. NOTE: This product is available for pre-book for 2/14 delivery.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
Blooming Orchid Plant
Orchids symbolize love, beauty, luxury, and strength. This double-stemmed white orchid is perfect for many occasions! It is potted in a 5" white ceramic cube and adorned with a seasonal bow.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
7"- 14" Garden Ceramics
Long-lasting ceramic garden dishes that make a big statement! Each ceramic dish is unique & plants may vary.
Williamsburg's Local Florist
8" - 14" Garden Basket
This impressive garden of indoor plants will be a warm welcome to any home or office. And you'll get glowing reviews for sending it.